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Yes! Your username and password will work on the new site.

You can request your username and password by clicking Login, then Forgot Username/Password link. Enter your email address associated with your user account in the available field and your username, password and password hint will be emailed to you. If you are unable to access the email account associated with your login, please contact donorservices@cftexas.org to reset your username and password.

For NTX Giving Day, please go to NorthTexasGivingDay.org or contact support@northtexasgivingday.org to reset your password.

You can request your password by clicking Login, then Forgot Username/Password link. Enter your email address associated with your user account in the available field and your username, password and password hint will be emailed to you. If you are unable to access the email account associated with your login, please contact donorservices@cftexas.org to reset your password.

For NTX Giving Day, please go to NorthTexasGivingDay.org or contact support@northtexasgivingday.org to reset your password.

If you have created a user name/password, then

  1. Click the green Login button from the top right corner of any page
  2. Enter Username and Password
  3. Use the menu on the left hand side of the page. Click on Fund Summary to view your fund balance, gift balance and grant balance

Login to CFT Online; go to My Profile in the left-navigation. Click Edit my Profile, and you will be able to edit your biographical information, spouse's information, address and contact information. Please allow up to 48 hours/two business days for processing the updates.